Venue Industry Consulting
Venue Management Services has extensive experience in consulting to local council, state and federal government and private venue owners in a range of disciplines across a variety of venue types including performing arts centres, civic centres, town halls, art galleries, wharf sheds, community venues and more.
Understand Your Target Market
Our project capabilities are built on years of experience in venue hospitality management operations as well as creative event design, coordination, management and production.
As actual on-site venue management is one of our core services, we see far too many venues built or refurbished without the actual needs of the target market being taken into consideration. These venues swiftly become under-utilised, and there is an outcry from the community about the waste of rate or tax payer’s money.
Avoid the white elephant syndrome and call Venue Management Services to see how we can assist you to design the perfect venue with maximum utilisation and community satisfaction in mind.
VMS can provide "as required" catering services, or provide an in-house solution using existing kitchen facilities. VMS currently provides exclusive catering services to a wide range of civic venues including town halls, civic centres and event centres.

You may find our consulting services beneficial if:
You are considering building a new venue or facility
Your current facility requires refurbishment or re-design
Your venues are under-utilised by the community and commercial sectors
Your venues are a cost burden on ratepayers & council resources or require a fresh approach to generate a return on investment
Your current venue/facility management structure is not producing results
You are considering outsourcing the management of your venue or facility
You would like to create a unique community event or festival, require tailored event management and production expertise
You need to ascertain the feasibility of investing in building or refurbishing a new community venue and the economic and intrinsic benefits it may bring to the community
Our Specialities Include
New venue design review and advice
Venue refurbishment or upgrade works advice
Review of venue facilities and ‘civic’ characteristics and recommendations for amendments
Review venue design and equipment including cost-benefit analysis
Review of venue technological and equipment requirements and provide recommendations
Project management and planning solutions
Coordination of build or refurbishment timelines and sub-contractors
Management of project teams/ steering groups
Community stakeholder relations management
New or Refurbished Venues
Review and analysis of the venues target market
Market research
Client interviews and satisfaction surveys
Venue programming and utilisation reviews
Venue communications and public relations strategies and implementation
Social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites
Design & implement a strategic end to end marketing strategy tailored to your venue & community
Program planning and management including trend analysis, venue ‘visibility’ in the community and cultural impacts
Occupational Health and Safety polices
Environmental management policy
Customer service policies and procedures
Human resources policy
Vendor procurement policy
Marketing policy
Financial policies
Security policies
Policy Development & Implementation
Financial analysis of past, current and projected returns – a tailored plan for ‘internal rate of return’
Financial comparisons of various venue management models
Cost competitiveness studies
Overall financial modelling and long-term feasibility analysis
Review and expansion of revenue streams to venue owner/ operator
Financial Consulting
Review operations procedures
Development of effective venue management plans
Analysis of current facility management policies/ recommendations for improvements
Business and Marketing plan development
Strategies for new and improved business and revenue development
Development of venue-specific policies, procedures and ‘core values’
Sub-contractor and vendor review and analysis
Staff allocation reviews
Organisational ‘health’ checks
Venue Operations